
Inventive Step, Additional Prior Art citations, Remand and Mix-ups in Orders!

Inventive Step:   Section 2(1)(ja) of the Indian Patent Act defines “inventive step‟ as:   (ja) “inventive step” means a feature of an...

Product By Process Patents Puzzle: A Dash of Oxone and a Pinch of Hypochlorite!

Vifor (International) Limited Vs Dr Reddys Laboratories Limited and others (July, 2023) involves multiple cases filed by Vifor (International) Limited against various defendants including Dr....

Patents Act Takes Precedence over Competition Act in Patent Holder’s Rights in India!

In a pathbreaking judgement in Telephonaktiebolaget LM Erricsson Vs Competition Commission of India (CCI) & Othrs (July 2023), the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court...

Trademark Tales: Unveiling the Mysteries of Well-Known Marks and the Affidavit Enigma!

Kamdhenu Ltd. Vs The Registrar of Trade Marks (July 2023) judgment discusses the concept of well-known trademarks and the procedure for determining a trademark...

Monsanto Patent Rejection Gets the Gavel: Madras High Court Calls Foul on Flawed Hearing!

In Monsanto Technology LLC Vs the Union of India and others (June 2023), the petitioner [Monsanto] filed a writ petition in the High Court of Madras...

Section 3(d) of the Indian Patents Act: Unveiling the Mysterious “Known Substance”!

Section 3(d) is unique to India and the Patents Act, 1970 as amended in 2005, aimed to restrict patent protection for new forms...

Reasoned order, obviousness and citing new prior art during patent prosecution

In Guangdong Oppo Mobile Vs The Controller Of Patents And Others (June 2023), an electronics manufacturer, Guangdong Oppo Mobile filed a patent application...

Patent Puzzles and Claim Amendments: Delhi High Court Turns ‘Amend-Mentos’ in the Allergan Affair!

DELHI HIGH COURT: The Delhi High Court has become a prominent centre for intellectual property litigation in India. Recently, the Court addressed the...

Audi Alteram Partem : Dolby International v. Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs

In one of the earliest and landmark decision of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India (1978), the Supreme Court of India held that...
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