
Patenting Business Method : Open TV Inc. Vs Controller of Patents

Thirteen (13) years back, in Yahoo v. Controller of Patents (2010) case, Yahoo sought to patent a computer network search apparatus method that...

Swarup Kumar, Managing Partner of Kumar & Sardana Associates (KSA) appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of FICPI

Swarup Kumar, Managing Partner of Kumar & Sardana Associates (KSA) was recently elected as the Deputy Secretary General (DSG) of FICPI, the International...

FICPI India’s Representation on IPO Notification and Issuance of Revised Notices

The Indian Patent Office (IPO) issued three notifications on December 26, 2022. The members of FICPI-India considered the content and the implications of such...

Patentability of Biological Material(s) – Essentially, Therapeutic Antibodies – In India

Indian patent practice and jurisprudence with respect to biological materials (including antibodies) is relatively new and thus not well-settled and/or uniform, unlike in...

Information Paper on Scope and Implication of Examination Guidelines or Patent Manuals Issued by National IP Offices

In pursuance of the detailed discussion held in a workshop during the ExCo meeting in Zurich, it was realised that the examination guidelines...

Compulsory licences: Is India protecting its own?

India’s policy of issuing compulsory licences for life-saving drugs has been welcomedby its thriving generics industry, but has drawn the ire of big...
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